Hope you have enough time to listen to my songs and to watch the videos :). If you like them, you can also click on the links below to take you to your favourite platform such as Spotify or Apple Music and add the song to your playlists. Even if you don't see your favourite platform here, you can be sure that I am on it - just type my name.

You are more than welcome to follow this journey I am on by joining my Facebook page and Instagram. 

Timo - That's Tim Withano

 "Bondi Sand"  has been my most popular solo single so far and is still going strong! 

It is a collection of youthful memories when life was more simple. “Dream-like images of sun, surf and friendship roll in and out like waves on a beach”.

Listen to the song on your favourite platform or watch the Youtube video.

“…We were all arms and legs like Drysdale boys

Dream-like memories from a distant voice

Lost in the sunshine and the white noise 

Walking on the Bondi Sand”

Shameless self-promotion :).

...if you're lost, you've got to find out where your true north is...”

— Bob Dylan and Me